
The following costs are based on our own experience opening a GC BURGER restaurant in Mississauga and are estimated. The difference between low and high cost levels are due to many factors especially the leasehold of the location, size, build-out costs, signage and other expenses. Cost may vary from location to another and area to another.

  Estimated low range Estimated high range When payable Method of payment Payment to
Franchise Package
Franchise Fee 50,000 50,000 Upon execution Lump sum GC BURGER Franchise
Training & Opening Support Incl. Incl. Upon execution Lump sum
Subtotal 1 50,000 50,000
Establishment Costs
Property finding fee 0 10,000 As incurred As billed Local Agent
Location lease deposit 18,000 24,000 As incurred As billed Landlord
Architectural services 15,000 20,000 As incurred As billed Architect
Construction work & Signage 215,000 320,000 As incurred As billed Contractors
Décor / Equipment 100,000 150,000 As incurred As billed Contractors/Suppliers
Initial stock 15,000 25,000 As incurred As billed Suppliers
POS equipment 5,000 10,000 As incurred As billed Suppliers
Licenses, permits, Insurance 11,000 13,000 As incurred As billed Suppliers
Subtotal 2 379,000 572,000
Other Initial Costs
Legal & accounting fees 5,000 10,000 As incurred As billed Lawyer & accountant
Staff recruitment & training 7,000 13,000 As incurred As billed Employees
Launch promotion 5,000 15,000 As incurred As billed Suppliers
Miscellaneous costs 2,000 5,000 As incurred As billed Suppliers
Other 3,000 5,000 As incurred As billed Suppliers
Working capital provision 25,000 40,000 In Bank
Subtotal 3 47,000 88,000
Total investment 476,000 710,000